As a urologist focusing on men’s health for over 25 years, I have dealt with a vast array of patient illnesses. The number of patients with associated sports injuries of all types and at all ages has steadily increased, although low back pain seems to be one of the most common complaints. Getting my patients into a well-supervised and strategically designed exercise program is imperative to their having a successful outcome and overall sense of well-being. Sculpt U provides a unique service that is simply not found anywhere else. It focuses on a true holistic approach that puts the patient’s needs first — something that I wholeheartedly support. Sculpt U is creatively far ahead of its peers and is a medical service that I will regularly recommend for my patients.
Larry I. Lipshultz, M.D.
Professor of Urology
Lester and Sue Smith Chair in Reproductive Medicine
Chief, Division of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery